江西景德镇市浮梁县汇邦精细陶瓷厂是一家集研发、生产、营销与一体的精细陶瓷企业。本厂位于响誉全球的千年瓷都---景德镇。景德镇制瓷历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚,具有良好的精细陶瓷生产环境和氛围,使本厂受益匪浅。 本厂技术工艺精湛完善,成型工艺有干压、切削、挤压等。 本厂产品有工业陶瓷配件、生化过滤陶瓷、电阻陶瓷、保险瓷管、高频研磨料等系列,广泛应用于卫浴、洁具类陶瓷配件、搪瓷炊具类陶瓷配件、锁具类陶瓷配件、电子、电器、研磨抛光等行业领域。 我厂期待着与您的合作,谢谢! 温馨提示:联系请致电 0-13970391106 郑先生 Jiangxi Jingdezhen HuiBang fine ceramic factory is a modern fine ceramic enterprise which is professional integration of research and devlopment,producing and marketing.The factory is located in the world-renowned millennium town of porcelain--Jingdezhen porcelain .Porcelain in Jingdezhen has a long history and a solid cultural foundation,and production environment and atmosphere of good fine ceramic,which benefits the factory a great deal. The technological craft of the factory is consunmate and perfect.The shaping craft classification includes dried pressing,half-dried pressing,cutting,gypsum mouid grouting,hot pressing grouting,base drawing,etc. The factorys product serier include ordinary glaze ornamental ceramics,alumina ceramics,heat-resistant ceramics,and ceramics handles,widely used in sanitary ware hands accessories,furniture handle accessories,househoid appliances,and electronics industries. We are looking forward to your cooperation and thank you!Warm Tip: please click on the page "Company Products" heading to browse the detailed products series of our factory. ...展开
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